You can send single or grouped vars, flashapp, or whatever you want.TilEm2 uses libticalcs and provides visual feedback by printing progress and allowing cancel.Sending/receiving programs, variables, and applications : See the project website at official website for more information. This version has a new and improved user interface, as well as many improvements to the hardware emulation. Please report bugs and feature request on the Sourceforge Bug tracker You will find a long user manual here : User Mannual (english) TilEm 2's hardware emulation is greatly improved - it's now at least on par with, and in some cases better than, any other emulator released to date.Īll of the Z80 models are supported (including both hardware revisions of the TI-81 and both revisions of the TI-82) the only part of the hardware that is not currently emulated is the TI-84 Plus USB controller. It features highly detailed hardware emulation. TilEm2 is already available for GNU/Linux and Windows and Mac OS X. As the others emulators, TilEm2 needs an official rom of course. TilEm is an emulator that reproduce behavior of z80 based Texas Instrument Calculator (TI73 through TI86 including the TI81 :p).